Palace on the Isle

Palace on the Isle – guided tour

The Palace on the Isle is located in the Royal Łazienki Park.

That Palace was summer residence of our last King Stanisław August Poniatowski who reigned in the second part of the 18th century.

The most important Royal Residence designed by Dominik Merlini, main king’s architect.

Palace on the Isle
Palace on the Isle

Initially, in the 17th century the Marshal – Prince Stanisław Herakuliusz Lubomirski ordered to build a Brouque Bathhouse pavilon called Hippocrene. The interiors of the Bathhouse were stylized on a grotto with a spring which symbolized the Hippocrene, a fountain on Mount Helicon in ancient Greece, which was the source of poetic inspiration for the Muses. The park’s name „Łazienki” = „Baths” commemorate the first function of this building. Thanks to two architects – the Italian born Domenico Merlini and Johann Christian Kammsetzer, who was born in Dresden – the King Poniatowski transformed the Baroque Bathhouse pavilion into the neoclassical Palace. The King wanted to create the most beautiful palace in all Europe with the best collection of arts. His dream was to create the Fine Art Academy that’s why he collected a lot of different paintings, sculptures, and another works of art.

Nowadays in the Palace is the Art Museum with eighteenth century Royal’s interiors. Visitors can see the beautiful classical interiors, historical furnitures, decorations, sculptures and the most valuable paintings created by prominent artists.

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