The Warsaw Old Town is very romantic part of the historical Warsaw. Streets with a number of landmarks are the best places to feel the unique „genius loci” of Warsaw. The greater part of Warsaw was the near-totaly destructed and rebuild after the Second World War. Today, you can feel here like in the medieval town. The most characteristic buildings in the Old Town are townhouses which used to be multifunctional with shops, workshops at the back, exclusive apartments used also for accomodating guests.
Sightseeing the Warsaw Old Town with the Krakowskie Przedmieście Street takes almost 3 hours.

On the Warsaw Old Town are unique places like:
- Castle Square (Plac Zamkowy) with Warsaw Royal Castle and the Statue of Sigimund III Vasa (Kolumna Zygmunta), it is the most characteristic landmark of Warsaw. This place are very popular as a social meeting places and the beginning of exploring Warsaw. It is the best place for meeting with the guide.
- The Monument of the Little Insurgent – the first monument in Warsaw which commemorate the Warsaw Uprising. The Monument symbolizes the great courage of childern who helped during the Warsaw Uprising. Children helped, for example by delivering letters, orders or some information
- Barbican (Barbakan) impressive round bastion which protected a city gateway and was a part of the defensive walls

- St. John’s Cathedral (Archikatedra świętego Jana) the most important church in Warsaw. Probably it is the one church in the world where ran the front line during the Warsaw Uprising. The Insurgents fought for every square meters of the Cathedral. When they lost that battle the church was completely destroyed.
- St. Martin’s Church (Kościół świętego Marcina).
- The Jesuit Church (Kościół Jezuitów) – with the miraculous Image of the Gracious Mother of God – the Patroness of Warsaw
- Stone Steps (Kamienne schodki) built in the late 15th century.
- Kanonia the triangular plaza surrounded by the houses of canons.
- The Old Town Square (Rynek Starego Miasta) the main Square and most important tourist attraction of Warsaw. In the centre stands the emblem of the city – the Warsaw Mermaid.
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